The backpack and the houseplant
The backpack and the houseplant, One aspect of healthy detachment is, knowing whose stuff is whose to carry – it can become especially tricky in relationships. We all have a backpack full of various size rocks on our backs to carry throughout life. These rocks are our own to carry. Each of these weighted rocks is very precious, as each one is a problem/life lesson that when removed from our backpack leaves us with wisdom, maturity, character or some other fine gift.
We all also carry around a house plant in our arms. When life gets to be too much to handle we can ask our partner, friend, or family member to please hold our house plant as we tend to one of our rocks. This helpful soul will help you out temporarily, holding your plant; essentially allowing you to lean on them for a time. What is not ultimately beneficial to do is to take off your backpack of life lessons and have someone else carry it for you. This helpful, misguided soul, carrying your backpack and their own, would be enabling you, and in a sense have subtle control over your life as you cannot access your gifts while this other person carries your backpack.
So, walk proudly as you carry your house plant and backpack, knowing that others are there to temporarily hold your plant when times are too rough. But never give someone your backpack to hold, keep those precious stones, that transform into gifts, to yourself, for you need their weight to make you strong enough and mature enough to be ready for the gifts to come!