Limiting labels
I have a problem with limiting labels, including diagnosis, however there is a caveat.
My major problem with labels is that they are limiting labels and I believe that the potential of the mind is limitless. For example if you come to me with the self diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder, not only will you have to overcome the fear and anxiety at the root of this diagnosis, you will also have to overcome the fact that you have defined yourself as obsessive compulsive – that association between your sense of self and the limiting labels. Limiting labels you as to what you believe about yourself and often tie to limitations about what you are capable of.
The caveat is that sometimes labels can be useful, putting us into categories, that then enable us to get help such as being on the Autistic Spectrum and receiving funding or being diagnoses with Bi Polar disorder then receiving a prescription of the proper medication. In this regard labels can be helpful.
I would suggest that you reconsider and evaluate the limiting labels you have chosen to define yourself. Are they uplifting and challenging, leaving you with wiggle room to expand into the highest version of yourself or are they limiting and self deprecating?